Thursday, September 22, 2005

Marketing on a Shoestring

Marketing on a ShoestringThe costs of marketing can be overwhelming, particularly fora new company. With a little planning and time, it may bepossible to save yourself a considerable amount of money.If you look closely you will see that there is more adviceon saving money than you could possibly read. Indeed muchof the advice is not worth reading. Here are some quickand easy ways to save you a bit of cash on your marketing.Set out a plan that you will follow. A bit of extra timeand consideration at the outset will go a long way toensuring that you do not spend more than you want to onyour marketing campaign. Remember that small amounts willadd up so plan and document everything if you do not wantto get a nasty surprise.When you are starting any marketing plan, you should makesure that you are able to track the sales that result fromthis approach. Only try one approach at a time so that youcan easily determine what is the most successful method foryour product.Try one approach at a time, and start with the cheapest.Why bother spending thousands of dollars on a televisionadvert if a cheap home made flyer would have been equallyeffective.Make sure that you target the right people. You can save alot of money by limiting your target audience to the peoplethat are really interested in your product. If you target awider number of people you will waste money, as you willhave to produce more material for a lesser return.Customers do not necessarily appreciate adverts that areall singing and dancing. In fact, simple and easy tounderstand adverts are much more likely to be successful.Think simple. Many people are actually put off by flashyadvertisements. By creating simple, plain material you willnot only save money but you may also appeal to more people.Biggest is not always best!Scott F. Geld is the administrator and proprietor of">Marketing Blaster,Inc., a pay-per-click traffic source that repeatedlybeats the major search engines in conversion ratio and ROI.For more information please


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