Today's Secret Information Giveaway
This information comes from a popular e book that sells for $30.00 or more.
I can't tell you the name of the e book, but no one can stop me from giving you my condensed version of the information inside.
The first tip.
You can create software to sell without learning any software code.
How, you say? The secret is outsourcing . Go to or, place your free ad, then let the
professionals bid on doing the job for you. This works for web site design and article creation also.
Need new ideas? Simple. Just check the forums mentioned in my previous post and take note of what other marketers are looking for or problems for which you can provide a solution. You can sell the solution yourself, let affiliates sell it for you or sell the resell rights.
What motivates buyers? Greed, free, easy, money, secret, automatic, and pride are a few ideas that come to mind.
What doesn't appeal? Work, self motivation, expense and learning.
What can you sell with this information? How to get homes for nothing, self improvement, spy software,
cars at cost, get rich information, reprint rights, money making software, health secrets, and government grants.
Get the idea?
How to make more sales? When potential customers think your product or service is short on supply or
on sale for a limited amount of time, the value and desire to buy goes up. You sell more.
You don't have to write an e book or create software to make money with e books and software.
Search google for free e books or software with resell rights. Here is an example of a site that you
can download products from Free Gifts
Sell or give them away as a free bonus.
Interesting fact
Did you know that the majority of people who sign up for a service with recurring billing, never stop the payments even if they stop using the product or service. You continue to make money because the customer overlooks the small deduction to their credit card thinking they might need or use it someday or will take care of it next month.
How do marketers get those testimonials to sell their products?
The secret is again forums. Post an offer to trade your product for a testimonial.
You may have heard the money is in the list.
Did you know forums can replace having your own list?
You can reach as many people with good forum posts by including your link in your signature file as having a large opt-in list.
You could also create your own forum for this purpose.
Hope you find this information useful.
Just for reading this blog you saved $30.00 or more.
I can't tell you the name of the e book, but no one can stop me from giving you my condensed version of the information inside.
The first tip.
You can create software to sell without learning any software code.
How, you say? The secret is outsourcing . Go to or, place your free ad, then let the
professionals bid on doing the job for you. This works for web site design and article creation also.
Need new ideas? Simple. Just check the forums mentioned in my previous post and take note of what other marketers are looking for or problems for which you can provide a solution. You can sell the solution yourself, let affiliates sell it for you or sell the resell rights.
What motivates buyers? Greed, free, easy, money, secret, automatic, and pride are a few ideas that come to mind.
What doesn't appeal? Work, self motivation, expense and learning.
What can you sell with this information? How to get homes for nothing, self improvement, spy software,
cars at cost, get rich information, reprint rights, money making software, health secrets, and government grants.
Get the idea?
How to make more sales? When potential customers think your product or service is short on supply or
on sale for a limited amount of time, the value and desire to buy goes up. You sell more.
You don't have to write an e book or create software to make money with e books and software.
Search google for free e books or software with resell rights. Here is an example of a site that you
can download products from Free Gifts
Sell or give them away as a free bonus.
Interesting fact
Did you know that the majority of people who sign up for a service with recurring billing, never stop the payments even if they stop using the product or service. You continue to make money because the customer overlooks the small deduction to their credit card thinking they might need or use it someday or will take care of it next month.
How do marketers get those testimonials to sell their products?
The secret is again forums. Post an offer to trade your product for a testimonial.
You may have heard the money is in the list.
Did you know forums can replace having your own list?
You can reach as many people with good forum posts by including your link in your signature file as having a large opt-in list.
You could also create your own forum for this purpose.
Hope you find this information useful.
Just for reading this blog you saved $30.00 or more.
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