Friday, September 23, 2005

Get All the Traffic You Need With Blogs and RSS Feeds

by: Craig Desorcy

Are you a small businessman setting up a brand new website to advertise your products? Maybe you already have an active website, but desire to make it more interesting. Either way, you’ll want to investigate blogs and RSS feeds to give your website some awe-inspiring zing!

Even good, hardworking marketers come up against a brick wall sometimes. How many times have you grabbed your head in frustration, wracking your brain for innovative ideas to liven up your website and get more public interest? Don’t fret! Blogs and RSS feeds have taken many small marketers’ websites and blown them sky-high with additional traffic and revenue.

Bruce, like you, was a hard-working businessman. Now Bruce is also a successful marketer, but he hasn‘t always successfully marketed his products. Several years ago he set out try his luck as a virtual salesman. First, he thought of his hobbies and decided to make a video about his most favored hobby - body-building. After months of preparation and spirits high, Bruce’s web-page was designed and his product on-line. “All-right!” he bragged to his good buddy, Jeff. “I’ve got my website up and running. Now I’m going to make big bucks on-line.” His optimism quickly died after three months when he had only sold five of his high-quality workout videos , Twenty Minutes a Day to a Fat-free Muscle-bound Bod!

How did Bruce solve his problem and become successful? Simple! Bruce put a blog onto his website that he updated every few days. He gave his personal account of trimming his figure. Bruce also used RSS feeds to announce new products that complemented his video, and was amazed at the increase in traffic and sales his website began bringing in. Within a week, his sales had skyrocketed past his wildest expectations!

Bruce’s story is wonderful! It lifts the spirit and encourages the weary marketers. “But how are blogs and RSS feeds going to help me?” you might ask yourself. With blogs you can show that your product works. What better way is there to sell an item than to let the entire world know that the product has worked for you? Yeah, you can place pretty, attractive pictures and have witty advertisements, but with no proof that your product works, people aren’t going to buy your merchandise.

“Okay, so I see how blogs can help me gain traffic, but how will RSS feeds help?” you wonder. It’s quite simple really. RSS feeds are syndicated, in other words they are broadcast throughout the World Wide Web rather than to individual emails. Basically, RSS informs the whole world that you are out there and what you’re latest information is in one easy feed. WOW! How simple can you get?

Go ahead and join others who are sitting there scratching their heads and thinking, “This sounds great! It’s actually so simple. But how on earth do I get started?” One visit to will have you ready to incorporate blogs and RSS feeds in your own successful marketing plan...

About The Author

Fast and Easy Way To Get Blogging and Using RSS Feeds
Click here>

This article is copyright © Craig Desorcy

Craig Desorcy is an Internet enthusiast who Lives and works in Japan, spending most of his free time on the internet running his blog and websites of interest.


Blogging For Business - Great Reasons For Every Business To Start A Weblog

by: John Jantsch

If Howard Dean’s failed political campaign accomplished anything, I would say that it brought to the mainstream the use of something called a weblog or “blog” as it known in cyberspace.

A blog is really nothing more than a diary uploaded to the Internet and until about the last 12 months was the realm of the individual who saw it as a way to publish there random (and sometimes disturbed) thoughts. The great thing about weblogs, and the growing set of software that is being created to publish them, is that they are a tremendous business tool.

Weblogs allow you to create content and contact…and that is what your clients crave more than anything.

I use a program (there is a free trial version) called PMachine to publish my weblog at This program allows me to simply make many entries and updates and also allows readers to add comments. Better still, now seemingly random articles can be sorted and searched by content or subject. My weblog is more like a content management system and my readers seem to love it.

Another great reason to explore the use of weblogs is that search engines seem to love them. Within 30 days of launching my weblog it became the most visited page on my fairly high traffic website.

So what is it about blogs that those little spiders love so much?

Here’s a little secret, search engines crave content. Okay so maybe that’s not such a secret but to look at many websites you would think it so. The fact is that too many websites just sit there doing nothing that the search engines admire. Providing content, not to mention fresh content, is one of the toughest chores of anyone who maintains a website. But when it comes to generating traffic it is the most important job.

Blogs, by their very nature, are all about content. In a commercial environment every blog entry is fresh content. Get in the habit of making two, three, even four entries a week and you’ve got a content building bonanza on your hands. Everyone knows you need new content to give visitors a reason to come back; blogs just make the task so much easier.

Another advantage that blogs seem to currently possess over traditional web pages and sites is lack of competition. While the number of bloggers grows daily, there are still relatively few commercial blog sites. When I created my blog I found that it showed up in the number 3 spot in Google for the term “Marketing Weblog” within about 3 weeks of launch. Not bad considering I did nothing to make it happen.

There are a couple of other things you should do to make your weblog a traffic magnet. They aren’t really that different than tradition SEO tactics but the names and faces are unique to the blogging world.

Use targeted keywords in your entry titles

No rocket science here but this tip can’t be stated enough. Forget cute…go for titles that fit your targeted keywords and phrases…even if they seem a bit awkward. (You do have targeted keywords and phrases don’t you?)

Register with Blog Search Engines – Search engines that specialize in blogs

Register with Tracking Services – These services note when a blog has been updated and publish an ongoing list. They even keep track of the most updated and most visited weblogs. Plus you get to learn what pinging is.

Trade Some Links

You don’t need to get out of control on this one but a few “relevant” swapped links to related blogs can boost your traffic.

Syndicate your content

This one is way to technical to cover here but do some research on the term RSS and you may discover ways to have your content and entries fed to sites that are hungry for the type of stuff you write. Many of the popular weblog software packages have this capability built right in.

Copyright 2004 John Jantsch

About The Author

John Jantsch is a marketing consultant based in Kansas City, Mo. He writes frequently on real world small business marketing tactics and is the creator of “Duct Tape Marketing” a turn-key small business marketing system. Check out his blog at

Blog Submitter Pro Automates Top Search Engine Rankings

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Blogs for Advertising

Yes! Blogs and RSS boost your online business, rankings, traffic and sales. We all sometimes ignore the trends in advertising on the internet until the masses are allready doing it. That is why I felt compelled to right this article and hopefully help others to understand that Blogs are a very powerful advertising method and you do not want to ignore this trend, You will regret it!

A blog is a frequent, online publication of comments, web links and news. It is an online Enzine of sorts. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with automated published systems, most notably is Thousands of people use services such as Blogger alone.

I only realized myself how powerful Blog advertising was, after I submitted an article to one Blog, yes just one Blog. What happened next amazed me! Within one week my new site wich I used in my byline in the Blog was not only indexed, but every single page was indexed and I had over 200 other sites pointing links to my site! All from one Blog posting. See websites need content and Blogs are a great source for content, and search engines LOVE blogs! I really need to say that again, search engines love Blogs!
Want your site indexed? Want hundreds maybe even thousands of incoming links all pointing to your site?

Here are the reasons you should not ignore Blog advertising. Remember when all search engines were free, and simply submitting your web sites got you listed quickly? Gone. Then it wa FFA pages, they brought in a ton of free traffic, built links to your site, and added to your mailing list like crazy. Tried one lately? Safelists were an online goldmine for a while... until bottom less email accounts were introduced.

Every new technology does what you need, at first. Then slowly more and more learn the secrets, and by the time the herd has caught on it's too late. Technologies have changed, everything has slowed way down, or the search engines have decided that it's become another form of spamming the search engines and stop weighing it so heavily. Sometimes they even ban the technology from their databases, remember doorway pages and multiple sites?

So where is blogging along this curve today? The early adopters have been doing it for the last couple of years, and the leading internet marketers started coming into it over the last year, many are still just getting started with it. So you're at the perfect time, most of the expensive development time is done, the bulk of the bugs are out of the whole RSS and Atom feed systems, and engines like Yahoo, MSN and Google are embracing the technology and waiting to greet your Blog with open arms. So dont ignore this whole Blogging idea, embrace it you just might see your sales soar through the roof!

Richard Weberg
Internet Marketer and Motivational Speaker
To learn more about Blogging, Marketing and Submitting your sites visit.

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